The ONE Foundation Celebrates InterVol’s Annual Fundraiser – Saturday September 16th, 2023
We are truly humbled to be chosen as the Honorary Chairs for this wonderful event. InterVol has so much meaning to us both.
When InterVol Founder, Dr. Ralph Pennino, and I were at the University of Notre Dame together we shared the same philosophy – that giving was of the most importance. I guess that’s something that cousins might share! Now, 30 years later, we have the blessing to support each other, working to improve the well-being of others all over the globe.
Since the ONE Foundation’s inception, we have worked hand in hand with InterVol and what a joy it has been! A unique characteristic of both the ONE Foundation and InterVol is our shared goal for the resources to go directly to those in need, with no red tape or delay.
We have many impactful memories of our work with InterVol….teams of medical professionals and volunteers traveling to Haiti or Belize, life-saving surgeries, immediate responses to various crises with humanitarian aid….tornado, flood, hurricane, COVID, or wild-fire, InterVol has been there and we are very grateful to be a part of it. Our most recent experiences in Dangriga, Belize and the weeklong relief effort at the onset of war in Ukraine humbled us – it also exhausted us! We continue to be amazed and invigorated by the impact of InterVol and the incredible commitment of volunteers and healthcare providers!
Please consider donating through ONE Foundation for our ongoing efforts to support the work and impact of InterVol. CLICK HERE to donate.
We thank you. Daniel and Lena Palmier, The ONE Foundation