ONE Foundation Officers & Board of Directors
"Team work is a core value in my business...Working together for a common goal energizes us and brings us closer together."
Daniel Palmier
Founder & President
“Every day is a new day of opportunity,” notes Daniel Palmier. He would like to share this positive attitude with the community.
In 2014, Daniel Palmier started ONE Foundation to benefit individuals and communities, worldwide. Steeped in Judeo-Christian values, ONE Foundation’s mission statement is to acquire and grow resources that assist individuals in local and global communities to attain a better quality of life. ONE Foundation, inspired by the One’s Purpose, works on the principle that helping and serving others is divine and blesses all those who participate. In Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (NIV). ONE Foundation combines financial resources, education, social services, and volunteerism to improve lives and communities across all continents. Daniel Palmier has also supported research and incubation projects to improve the quality of life in American and more than 50 countries, globally.
Dan and his family and friends literally “walk the walk” as perennial participants in walks, runs, golf tournaments, marathons and other activities to help other foundations and causes, contributing thousands of miles and thousands of hours of personal time. In Fall 2017 and 2018, Dan ran the Marine Corps Marathon in support of InterVol, a foundation that for three decades has provided medical supplies and life-giving medical attention to those most in need in some of our most impoverished corners of the world. Dan has run in the Boston Marathon and New York Marathon for many years, raising funds for the American Liver Foundation and Notre Dame University’s global charities.
Other marathons, walks, and fund-raising activities that Dan and his team at ONE Foundation have participated in also honor the memory and raise monies for “local heroes” such as the Lieutenant Walsh and Firefighter Kennedy Memorial Fund. ONE Foundation also walked and ran many miles for ONE Fund Boston to benefit the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Dan has also run and walked to fight Mitochondrial Disease and progressive muscular degenerative disease. The Jimmy Fund Walk allows participants to follow the course of the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon route, and honors friends, family, co-workers and patients facing all forms of cancer.
ONE Foundation also supports various performing arts. They recently supported the Masconomet Regional High School Music Department fund student participation in district and state level music festivals, and outreach concerts to promote music education.
Other organizations and agencies who benefit from ONE Foundation’s support include: The Notre Dame Haiti Program, Asian Christian Academy, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the Kelly Cares Foundation, Rivertown Church, Perspective Ministries, InterVol, the Wounded Warriors Project, Catholic Schools Foundations of Boston and New York, the Notre Dame Sorin Society, Tufts Hillel, Wellesley METCO, Inc., ONE Fund Boston, the Lieutenant Walsh and Firefighter Kennedy Memorial Fund, The Buddy Dog Humane Society, American Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy recovery, Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart

Lena Palmier
“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God”
— 2 Corinthians 4:15
Family values, spousal support, gratitude, willingness to help others, and love has inspired Lena Palmier to dedicate her efforts to the development of the ONE Foundation. Born in Belarus, Lena graduated with bachelor degree in International Marketing from Belorussian State University. After graduation she was awarded the Vishegrad Scholarship for a 2-year Master program consisting of 1 year at the Matej Bela University in Slovakia and 1 year at the Friedrich Schiller University in Germany. She graduated with a Masters Degree in International Relations and Politics in 2013 and relocated to the USA shortly after.
While living in New York City, Lena worked as an attorney for a Manhattan based Law Firm focused on estate planning. She has also worked in the legal department for an international Oil and Gas Company.
During the 2020 pandemic Lena moved to Miami and has continued her philanthropic efforts in the Southeastern US. In addition to the main thrust of supporting and dedicating the mission of the ONE Foundation, Lena is supports local needs in Miami through volunteering for the Humane Society of Greater Miami, and helping local animal shelters. Being “ONE” with her husband, Daniel Palmier, Lena supports all current initiates of ONE Foundation and dedicates her creativity, knowledge, and experience to further growth.
Lena has been always grateful for her experience in the USA. She loves America deeply and appreciates all the opportunities this amazing country gives to people. She knows from her personal experience how hard and unfortunate life can be in Eastern Europe where governmental controls can restrict people’s opportunities, preventing their development and growth, and imprison them for dissenting political views, and limit freedom in all spheres of life. Reflective of how fortunate we are in the United States, a country she feels is a land blessed by God, Lena possesses a tremendous feeling of gratitude that grows stronger every day and leads to the drive to give back that beats in her heart.

Neill B. Faucett
Neill B. Faucett is a Managing Principal of Lubert-Adler, focusing on new acquisitions and asset management in the Southeastern United States. Mr. Faucett is also a member of the Investment Committee.
In 2014, Daniel Palmier and his family started ONE Foundation to benefit individuals and communities, worldwide. Steeped in Judeo-Christian values, ONE Foundation’s mission statement is to acquire and grow resources that assist individuals in local and global communities to attain a better quality of life. ONE Foundation, inspired by His Purpose, works on the principle that helping and serving others is divine and blesses all those who participate. The Bible says in Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (NIV). ONE Foundation combines financial resources, education, social services, and volunteerism to improve lives and communities across all continents. Dan Palmier and his family have also supported research and incubation projects to improve the quality of life in American and abroad.

Rosemarie McElwee
Development Director & Marketing
As Marketing Director, Rosemarie works with Daniel, Lena and their businesses as a brand ambassador to their brands that advance relationships, service, and business entities to enable their commitments for ONE Foundation and its initiatives.
Rosemarie works in Marketing and Business Development at UC Funds. She leads the launch of new products and platforms as well as all necessary brand positioning the organization’s businesses. She has more than twenty years of marketing, sales, and business development experience with more than 10 years in the commercial real estate, lending, and real estate development industry.
Rosemarie has a BA from The University of Pennsylvania and Business Analytics Certificates from Wharton Online. She is a volunteer coach of multiple sports for youth and volunteers with many programs in the Mid-Atlantic region. She is the proud mother of four children.