April  2023 –  Source:  Coates Ministries, partner for ONE Foundation

Imagine digging a hole fifteen feet deep in beach sand. The people of Nakujia-Engomo village have no other option. There has been no other source of water anywhere within walking distance, so they keep digging in the only location it has ever been found. They realize the dangers. Stories frequently circulate through Turkana-land of collapsed water holes with accompanying casualties. Often, it’s the kids: the smallest children are sent to the bottom because of their size and agility where they begin to scoop and hand the containers chain style all the way to the top where each family’s 20 liter jugs are filled one by one. If the hole doesn’t collapse, then this contaminated, yet very precious water, is carried atop the ladies heads up to ten kilometers to their huts.

This video was taken in November 2022. This week, Nakujia-Engomo has a new borehole pumping fresh clean water to the entire community.


About ONE Foundation.  Steeped in Judeo-Christian values, ONE Foundation’s mission statement is to acquire and grow resources that assist individuals in local and global communities to attain a better quality of life. The ONE Foundation, inspired by His purpose, works on the principle that helping and serving others is divine and blesses all those who participate.